Thursday, January 18, 2024

Black Lives Matter vs All Lives Matter

If I'm not mistaken, the term "Black Lives Matter" became big during major protesting that happened during Obama's presidency.  Now, here we are in 2020, with another major protesting event that has happened.

During the prior protesting that went on, I had gotten upset by that term.  I thought and said, "ALL lives matter; not just Black lives."

Well, I have received some new insight this time, as I meditated on what's going on, and these words.  If people continue looking at the events happening only on the surface level, we miss the deeper messages the Universe is telling us & is causing to happen amongst us to rectify the world.  It IS about racial injustices that have been done in our history.  We ARE being moved in the direction of repairing the past (just look at news where 'white' people are asking forgiveness from God and the 'black' people for slavery).

Taking this into consideration, I realized what the people are saying when they make the statement "Black Lives Matter".  They aren't saying their lives are the only ones that matter, nor are they saying they are better than anyone else.  They are saying, "We've been mistreated as slaves in the past, we are mistreated now.  We are considered 2nd class citizens.  We are still discriminated against.  And with all this (and more), why wouldn't most of us have low self esteem & think we don't deserve anything more than living in ghettos, and conducting ourselves in a way that is becoming of such people (crime, drugs, poverty, etc).  OUR LIVES DO MATTER, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER PERSON!!!  Treating us like low-lifes & less than deserving of a good life like anyone else, needs to stop!  We demand to be FREED from the stereotype of slavery, and 2nd class citizens.  Our future generations deserve & need a chance to become all they are meant to be, freed from the mentality that they don't have what it takes, and they don’t matter."

Black Lives DO Matter!

Originally written 6/20 and still relevant!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Consider a Home with Dirt/Earth Floors

What if homes were still made directly on the ground, and we left the floors natural, by not putting anything on top of the dirt?  I'd like to have some fun with this thought 😁.

Well, here are some of the benefits that I can think of (maybe you can come up with more?):

If we walked around the house without footwear to come between our bodies & the earth:

     1.  We'd always be connected to the frequency of the earth, which is 
          called "Earthing".  There are several health benefits, as mentioned 
          from one of many sources on the internet: 
 (you'll need to copy & paste the link)

       2.  Walking on the ground vs in footwear is better for our feet, and the 
          rest of our body, because we aren't trying to walk on a surface that 
          really doesn't conform to our feet.

       3.  If we wanted indoor plants, we could plant them directly into the 
          ground, rather than having to buy pots to plant them in.  Maybe we 
          could even have an indoor garden, to some extent.  😄

Now, some benefits where housework is concerned:

     1.  Spills of any kind; liquid, food, etc. would be easy to clean up - just 
          rake into the ground 😍.  Food items will compost after time, so 
          we'd be doing the ground a favor, by putting nutrients in.  
     2.  No more mopping, sweeping, vacuuming. 🎉

Another potential benefit would be that the temperatures of the dirt floor will probably stay pretty comfortable; rather than walking on a hot or cold surfaces.

The only downsides that I can think of, is that the furniture & other surfaces in the home will get dusty all the time, and thus need wiped down, and we'd have to wash our feet before getting into bed.

I think the benefits outweigh the downsides.  If I could, I think I'd like to experience living in a home with dirt floors.  

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Winter Storms

Our first winter storm of the season.  I'm sitting at home thinking about the way our society operates, and here are my thoughts to consider...

Businesses still open, despite inclement weather, in hopes of making $$$.  And, there are those people who will drive in unsafe conditions to spend $$$, besides those forced to drive because the company they work for is open.  Oh the "almighty" dollar and what it makes people do. 😢
Schools are places that close during these times, because they care about the safety of everyone going and, by the way, they aren't in the business of making $, so they don't have that pushing them to make people do potentially unsafe things (like drive in hazardous conditions).

In the Hebrew Scriptures (OT), the Creator tells His people to remember and observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (which means set apart).  Observant Jews take one day off a week, relax & spend time with family, go to synagogue (not all go) to worship together.  They don't go out shopping, they take a break from work, which includes household duties (yay for women. lol), etc.  It's a real day of rest, making time for family, extra spiritual fulfillment, and thus being able to be rejuvenated for the coming week. The rest of society doesn't take a day of true rest; everything is go, go, go.  And here's where my thoughts consider winter storms:

Perhaps inclement weather conditions are sometimes given as a gift to the world by the Creator, rather than something seemingly bad, to try to get people to rest, spend time with family, etc.  Maybe, instead of fighting against it to keep going and do what we normally do, we should embrace it, say NO! to keeping busy, and stay home.  
What if people started getting together in masses and telling their employer, "We're not coming in to work.  We're not going to take a chance with our lives, to get to work."  If people did this, we could potentially have a huge impact on society!  Do we really HAVE to go out and spend $$$ EVERY day, or can we take a break sometimes; like when the weather is bad?  Prepare for the weather ahead of time, so we don't HAVE to go outside. 
Something to think about.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Four Seasons

Everything in existence is connected.  With this in mind, and the fact that life is supposed to be a journey; not just existing, I have some thoughts to consider, regarding a persons life journey and the environmental seasons:

Living in climates where there are no real seasons, and just simple little changes here and there, of rain & lush green, drought & dryness, wind or calm...this can be compared to a persons life, whereby they don't change much; they live life basically just existing and doing the same thing day in and day out, with only a few slight changes here and there, but nothing that makes any difference worth noting.  And, some people are happy living like that, but some are not.

Living in climates where there are four seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter) - there are the four seasons, but a person never knows exactly what the impact will be; how beautiful (or severe) each will be, how long or short they will last, when they will begin, etc.  Some people love every season, but some people don't.  Comparing this to a persons life, whereby they really are embracing the journey and love to experience changes and follow wherever they are lead to go/do/be.  There are challenges that are faced.  Some are not enjoyable, but there is always something to look forward to, after the challenge is completed.  Some people love every environmental season, but some do not; they like the idea of living somewhere that the climate is pretty consistent.

To those who are in the first scenario and don't like being there - I encourage you to try to break out of that and begin to make changes, little by little.  As you do, making changes will become easier and easier; just don't be afraid of the challenges you'll face, because perseverance will get you through (just as we persevere through the environmental seasons).  You will discover more enjoyment in life and really be set on the journey you're supposed to be on.

For those who are in the second scenario and don't like living where there are four seasons - perhaps I've given you a new perspective about looking at it all and relating it to your life journey.  Then, you might just embrace the seasons through a whole new light.....perhaps.

For me, I've lived in a climate of no real seasons for most of my life.  My life has definitely been a journey of changes, and when I visit places with seasons, I love them.  I'm looking forward to living where I can experience the four seasons, and I hope to keep this blog message at the front of my mind when I don't think I'm enjoying some aspects of any of them. :-)

**I do need to acknowledge that both types of climates offer ways of having fun during those seasons (or lack thereof), so these things could be something that helps to contribute to a person enjoying where they're at.  After all, every person was created differently and the various environments around the globe were created to be different.

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Lesson From Birds

We can learn from birds.

These small creatures were created with feathers that repel water, and even keep them warm. (I thought about this "warmth", when I bought a jacket with feathers in it, to make it a warm jacket)
Also, birds were created with tiny legs & claws that seem too small to hold the weight of their body, when holding on to tree branches and other things.  (I consider it a miracle that they don't get blown off a tiny tree branch, when the wind is blowing strong).

We human beings, when going through the storms of life, more often than not, throw a fit, need therapy, take a life, God forbid, etc.  We just don't handle stress, and other challenges of life very well.  Some people worry about money and where their next meal will come from.

Birds...They wake up singing.  They sing in the morning, they sing through storms, they sing in the evening.  They don't worry about where their next meal comes from, cause they know their Creator will provide.  They don't worry about the weather, cause they know they will be protected.  Their tiny "feet" hold on tight to whatever they are perched on, as they are blown around in the wind, and rained on, and cold weather/snow doesn't keep them from enjoying life, cause they are provided for by their Creator.

If we start waking up with a song on our heart each morning, and throughout the day, instead of thinking/focusing on all the seemingly negative things in life, being grateful for everything, instead of complaining, it's a guarantee that our lives will change.  Have you ever heard, "What you put out into the world, comes back to you"?  Well, I can attest that it's true!  Have you ever noticed someone you know, whom you consider a "good" person, and yet they seem to go through "bad" situations all the time?  One reason may be that, though they are "good", they may complain about things.  Let's try being grateful for everything, seemingly good & bad, holding on tight during life challenges, trusting in the Creator to get us through, as we learn the lessons we're supposed to; cause life is a classroom.

Conclusion:  This world needs a LOT more positive energy; it has way too much negative energy.  Let's begin making a difference, and not getting caught up in everyone else's negative, but influencing others to be positive.  
There is so much to learn from nature (not just birds) on how to live, if we'd just pay attention.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Storms of Life

There are so many lessons about life that I have learned, and continue to learn from the Creator, through Nature.

There was a tremendous storm that blew through one evening.  It broke branches off trees, as well as complete tree trunks, amongst other things.  As I began picking up some of the branches in the yard, some thoughts came to me that I’d like to share.

As a storm is being experienced, we can’t imagine the good that could come out of it; depending on the size of the storm.  Small storms aren’t usually a concern, and don’t cause us to react much, if at all.  The larger the storm, the more reaction we (most people) have.

As we go through life, we are given personal "storms" to go through.  The harder/stronger they are the more "mess" they leave.  Just as a tree has branches, limbs, trunks that may break off (which are the weakest part of each tree) - we also may have to experience a separation from something that seemed a part of us, but it was something that the Creator knows we needed to offload, to continue to grow or change, in a different direction.

"Limbs" and "branches" (the "smaller" stuff), we can usually clear out on our own.  "Trunks" (the "larger" stuff), may seem nearly impossible and it is easy to mentally say, "I can't clear out all that!"  Just as a person needs help, whether with other people, and/or with various tools/machinery, so too, we need help removing the "trunks" in our lives.  This is where the Creator says, "I'm here to help, just ask."  He also provides help through other people, "tools" such as His Word, and/or other sources - depending on the situation.

The question is...will we pick up the "branches" and "limbs", and cut up the "trunks" of the debris that became detached, and discard/destroy (separate ourselves from) them, or leave them where they are, to be a burden of working around & keeping us from totally completing what we are to do, as we go on with our lives?   

The things in our life that we feel we have been detached from through a storm in our life, need to be completely eliminated from our life, as we can begin whatever new growth the Creator has planned for us.  We need to learn from our storms rather than look around and sulk about the mess that has been made through the Creator "pruning" some of our "weak" areas we are not to continue holding on to.

Let the Creator prune you, discard the waste that is no longer to be in your life, and allow yourself to grow!  

Whether we realize it or not, storms are actually for our good; whether personal "storms" or actual weather storms, as either one is a call to get in touch with our Creator.  Look beyond the obvious to find the hidden reality of events, and you'll be amazed.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Do We Really Only Die Once?

"Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgement..." (NIV)

The teaching of dying only once, is mentioned only once in the NT.

The following NT verses support the idea of reincarnation.  If the people in those days did not believe in reincarnation, then why would they have asked or mentioned these things?

John 1:19-21, 24:
The Jewish leaders sent priests and Levites to ask John the Baptist if he was Elijah or the prophet (ie. Moses).
The Pharisees asked John why does he baptize, if he is not the Messiah, Elijah, nor the prophet (Moses).

Matthew 17:12:
Jesus says that Elijah has already come and they didn't recognize him.
(But then, in verse 13, the disciples understood him to mean Elijah WAS John the Baptist.  Here we seem to have a conflict with the verses in John, where John says he is not Elijah)

Mark 8:27-28:
Jesus asks his disciples who people say he is.  They answer that some say he's Elijah, some say the prophet (Moses), some say John the Baptist.

Mark 6:14-15:
People were telling Herod that Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead, and others said he was Elijah, or one of the prophets from long ago.

There are several other NT verses that mention the same topics; many more supporting the idea of reincarnation versus the teaching of only dying once (only 1 verse in the entire NT!).

Might Christians then consider, after all the evidence above, that MAYBE there is such a reality as reincarnation, and that the verse in Hebrews is misunderstood?

I certainly love entertaining the thought because I see a much more loving God, Who gives people more chances than just one to correct themselves and the wrong they have done in life; it's not just, "believe in Jesus, or you're going to hell", but if a person doesn't follow a spiritual journey in one lifetime, they get another chance.

(By the way, Christianity is the only religion in the entire world that doesn't support the thought of reincarnation.  Possibly the "Founding Fathers" of Christianity-the Catholics, may have had a certain agenda in this "only dying once" teaching?  Something to consider.)

What Can We Learn from Weather?

 Today was an extremely hot, sunny spring day.  I was thankful for the gentle breeze that was helping to cool me down a bit, as I worked outside.  No sign of any other weather coming, other than the sun continuing to shine, and the heat rising as the day progressed.

After completing outdoor chores, I went inside the house to cool off.  Later, I heard thunder!  I was wondering if I was imaging it, because there wasn't any sign in the skies earlier, that there was potential for rain.  I went outside and saw rain clouds in the distance.

I was told when I was younger, that the closer the thunder sounds are to one another, the closer the weather is to arriving.  So, I listened for the sounds of thunder.  Then I made sure everything I had to do outside, to prepare for potential weather, was taken care of.            

Then, I got to thinking...LIFE...

We go about living life, through good times and bad.  All too often we can get distracted in the good times, unaware of the bad that is heading our way.  

Just as our Creator, the One Who controls the weather, warns us of storms coming, with signs (and sounds) of how close they are, He also gives signs (and sounds) to us; warning us of a change in our life that we need to be prepared for.

Just as the storms pass, so the bad times in our life pass.  Some storms last awhile, and some pass quickly.  The same goes for our life.

We can be very grateful for these warnings, in weather and in life.  They help us prepare as best as we can.  But, sometimes storms cause devastation.  Sometimes people going through storms/bad times, don't make it through.  Perhaps loss of life is avoidable, if people pay attention to the warnings and act in a timely manner.  We may lose material possessions, but not life.

All of this makes me grateful for the warnings, and makes me realize that I need to pay attention during the good times.  I need to appreciate everything; from the smallest to the greatest are things to be grateful to our Provider for.  I need to slow down and take notice of things, enjoying life, rather than just plugging along doing the same thing every day - make the most of every moment; not waiting until it's "too late".

One more note:  Paying attention to a weather storm to see what direction it has potential of going, and possibly how long it will last, can also be applied to the trials in our life.  


Monday, April 16, 2018

People Destined to Die Once

I'd like to explore the idea of reincarnation vs the Christian scripture (NT) verse in Hebrews 9:27, which says:

"Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment"... (NIV)

The teaching of dying only once, is mentioned only once in the NT.

The following NT verses support the idea of reincarnation.  If the people in those days did not believe in reincarnation, then why would they have asked or mentioned these things?

John 1:19-21, 24:
The Jewish leaders sent priests and Levites to ask John the Baptist if he was Elijah or the prophet (ie. Moses).
The Pharisees asked John why does he baptize, if he is not the Messiah, Elijah, nor the prophet (Moses).

Matthew 17:12:
Jesus says that Elijah has already come and they didn't recognize him.
(But then, in verse 13, the disciples understood him to mean Elijah WAS John the Baptist.  Here we seem to have a conflict with the verses in John, where John says he is not Elijah)

Mark 8:27-28:
Jesus asks his disciples who people say he is.  They answer that some say he's Elijah, some say the prophet (Moses), some say John the Baptist.

Mark 6:14-15:
People were telling Herod that Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead, and others said he was Elijah, or one of the prophets from long ago.

There are several other NT verses that mention the same topics; many more supporting the idea of reincarnation versus the teaching of only dying once (only 1 verse in the entire NT!)

Might Christians then consider, after the evidence above, that maybe there is such a reality as reincarnation, and that the verse in Hebrews is misunderstood?  

I certainly love entertaining the thought because I see a much more loving God, Who gives people more chances than just one to correct themselves and the wrong they have done in life; it's not just a belief in, "believe in Jesus, or you're going to hell", but if a person doesn't follow a spiritual journey in one lifetime, they get another chance. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Fear only God

What does it mean to fear God?

This is something I really wanted to know; to straighten out any misconceptions and such that I may have had, from teachings of various religious groups in my past.

The following links have answered my search for the answer, and they give me a beautiful new view of what it means to "fear" God.  If you are really wanting to know, click on the links (or copy and paste to your browser) to find out:

Something else we need to do, is open up God's Word and see what He says about fear.

Lesson From A Rotten Lemon

Having received a rotten lemon in a grocery order sent to me, my immediate reaction was to complain. But, I was quickly stopped by the following thoughts coming to mind, which apply what I've learned from studying Kabbalah:

Everything I receive is exactly what the Creator wants me to receive, so there is no room for complaining, but only gratitude; for the Creator only gives what He knows is best.  I received everything I was to receive in my grocery order; nothing more, nothing less, and in the condition I was to receive the items.

What about "warning" people with my (negative) opinion/experience about something?
Each person is given their own experience with everything in life, so I have no business leaving negative comments, because others will have their own positive or negative experience, as per the will from Above.  Thus exits being opinionated!
No more giving in to the desire to "warn" people or give my (negative) opinion or comments; unless I feel "forced" to by the Upper Force.  (I believe this "force" would come if a person is in a life threatening situation.)

I find it humorous that the Creator would teach me this lesson through a (rotten) lemon.  Isn't it true that when we get something that doesn't work right, we say, "I got a lemon"? 

Something To Consider:
If everyone started keeping their negative opinions and comments to themselves, thus leaving room for every other person to have their own life experience, not having been influenced by someone else's experience, I believe it would help to change our environment.  Maybe people wouldn't hate so much, because they'd be forming their own thoughts about situations?

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Is There Really No One Who Is Righteous?

As an excuse for not having to perform deeds to try and not sin, I hear people quote the following verse from the Christian scriptures (NT):

     Romans 3:10 - "As it is written; "There is no one righteous, not even one."  (NIV)

As it is written...where is "it written"?  It is PART OF Psalm 14:1-7.  Putting it into context, a completely different application becomes visible:

      "THE FOOL HAS SAID in his heart, "There is no God."  They have done corruptly, they have done an abominable deed, there is no one who does good.  The Lord looked down from the heavens on the sons of mankind, to see if there is a wise one, seeking the Lord.  They have all turned aside, they have together become filthy; no one is DOING good, not even one.  Have all the workers of wickedness no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call on the Lord? There they are in great fear, for the Lord is with the generation of the righteous.  You would put to shame the counsel of the poor, but the Lord is his refuge.  Oh that the deliverance of Israel would be given out of Zion!  When the Lord turns back the captivity of His people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad."

Hmmmm, sounds to me like in context, the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) that the NT verse is referring to, is really talking about corruption in the world; that no one is doing good, BUT the Lord is with the generation of the righteous.  In context, this is not saying there is no one who was/can be/will be righteous.

The other problem I've found, is that there are many verses in the NT that refute the Romans 3:10 claim, for example:

     Matthew 10:41 - "....whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person reward." (NIV)

     1 John 3:7 - "Little children, let no one deceive you.  Whoever practices righteousness is righteous...." (ESV)

     2 Peter 2:8 - "....Lot was righteous." 

And an example in the Hebrew Scriptures:

     Malachi 3:18 - "And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not."

 Next question:  What does being "righteous" mean?

It does NOT mean a person never sins.  It is a person who sins, repents, is forgiven and pursues a life to change his ways.  It is a person who seeks to justify our Creator, such as Job when he said, "The LORD gives and takes.  Blessed be the Name of God."  Even in his loss, he is justifying the Creator; therefore he's righteous.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a Child...

As I was reading a book, in the section of raising children, I came to an eye opening sentence.  It was on Proverbs 22:6.  The book stated this verse as such:

"Educate the child according to his own way..."

This wording seemed odd to me; having always read it from an NIV or NAS, or other English version, so, I looked it up in my NAS Bible, as well as my Tanach (Hebrew Scriptures).  Here's what I found:

NAS Version:  "Train up a child in the way he should go..."  BUT, next to the word "in" is a mark, indicating reference information on this.  When I looked at the reference for this mark, in the NAS Bible, it says, "Lit (which means literally) according to his way."

Tanach Version:  "Train the youth according to his way..."

Question:  Why did the English translators feel the need to replace the original words and meaning?  These two statements do not mean the same thing; according to HIS way vs the way he SHOULD go!

The original sentence makes so much more sense, in light of the fact that every child has different needs, learns differently, has different characteristics, etc.  No two children are alike!  So, train them according to the way they learn, and then when they grow up they won't depart from it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Who's the Captain of Your Life?

As my family and I went on a boat ride, the ocean was a bit rough.  As I experienced this ride, I looked out at the sea from the front cabin and then from the back of the boat.  I'd like to share what the LORD put in my mind concerning our spiritual walk with Him:

First, let me explain what I went through from looking at the ocean from both views of the boat.  From the front, as I saw the waves coming at us, splashing up, the boat going over the waves and, at times, crashing down when there were big ones. I was filled with fear, wanted to stop & just be delivered back to shore, wanted to tell the captain what to do, etc.  It was not a place I wanted to stay.

Then, because I just couldn't take seeing all that, I went to the back of the boat.  I was so much calmer for all I saw were the seas after we'd passed over each wave.  I saw how far we'd come, rather than how far we still had to go to reach our destination.

Spiritual application:

We need to ask ourselves: "Am I a person who likes to be at the front of the boat where all the action is but living in fear, anxiety, telling the Captain (God) how to direct the boat (our lives) as I argue about or disagreeing with what/how He's doing things, telling Him where I want to go? Or am I a person who would rather just go for the ride, resting in assurance that the Captain (God) has everything under control, fully trusting in Him to direct the boat (our lives) through whatever life brings, and thus safely bringing me to the destination He has planned for me, for HIS GLORY?

Though it's hard sometimes, I find myself much happier sitting in the back of the boat, trusting the Captain.  I don't want to be in the front, filled with fear, telling the Captain how to do His "job", etc.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Celebrate - Lev 22:29-30

"And when you sacrifice a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the LORD, you shall sacrifice it so that you may be accepted.  It shall be eaten on the same day, you shall leave none of it until morning:  I am the LORD."  Lev. 22:29-30

A friend shared what came to mind when they really thought about this, and I loved what they said, so I'm sharing:

When sacrifices were made, it was whole animals; that means a LOT of food/meat.  This had to be eaten the same day.  To consume this amount, it could very well have been possible that families invited others over to celebrate with them, and this was a sacrifice of thanksgiving. 
In our society, we gather together to celebrate birthdays, holidays, etc.  Why don't we start holding celebrations (cookouts) of thanksgiving to our LORD for things that He's done in our lives; giving Him thanks and blessing Him?  Sounds like an excellent idea to me.